Crystal Ball


Sorry I took so long folks, I been without internet and without a car & medical bills!

But incredibly enough somehow the hospital called me and wanted me to do another sort of study, this one regarding possible Sleep Apnea, to be honest I feel incredibly lethargic through the day and hard to keep awake but heck. I can’t do another bill in my pocket, yes health important. But stress creates damage in health which is cure by taking time off work, oh you know the circle already!

I’m however trying to relax and not worry about the million of debts that I have, the issue and issue that coming in the future, because I guess just don’t know if tomorrow will even be here.

The question of the day is?

Have you been difficult situation and plan for the future? Did it work out?

5 thoughts on “Crystal Ball

  1. A difficult situation would be when i lived at a halfway house 3 years but planned to live independently in my own apartment some day. That day finally came a year and a half ago.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Agreed! I’m surprised I’m still alive. It’s the pride in myself of surviving through so much trauma that motivates me to keep moving. Also the simple things in life like food or sex or new video games or the new Star Wars movie!


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